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Bietschtal Bridge

Along the back wall I have installed the bietschtal bridge
This area will be a very busy one, since it contains a two level schattenbahnhof of five tracks each level, plus the tracks connecting the Dammtor station to the older portion of the layout

Got the first track laid in the lower schattenbahnhof along the back wall. (The suspended loop is my temporary turnaround on the upper level. It used to be supported by my temporary lower level, but that has been removed. I suspended it from the ceiling until I complete the work under it, then it will get reattached)

Here is the first train to venture out on it:

I had previously experimented with using Atlas flex track with N gauge code 55 rail as the center conductor in my hidden areas. This saves big bucks on 2205's or scads of 2200's. I had a section running this way on my temporary layout for 6 to 8 months without problem to prove the concept. Works great. I get the 90 cm Atlas code 100 flex track for under USD3.00 and the N rails are very inexpensive. Saves a bundle!

This lower bridge is one of the returns from the Dammtor area.
The stream coming under it will be from a waterfall under the Bietschtal bridge above this.

Here is the Bietschtal Bridge

The bridge is mechanically done. 
I wound up lowering it about 2 inches (5 cm) because the ramp up to the bridge would have had about a 6% grade. 
With the modification it is now about 4%.
I removed the gray abutments and the "feet" from the stonework and set the bridge right down on the base plate.

I then created new abutments from wood stock cut at a 45 degree angle and drilled for the locating pin in the bridge's foot
I also cut blocks to support the stonework.

Here is a picture of the BLS entering the bridge and a freight rumbling off to the east.

Got the backdrop up and painted for the rest of the Bietschtal approach
Now I have to extend the scene on the right then get out my airbrush to do more clouds and mountains.

The paper background ended rather abruptly, so I tried my hand at free painting to finish the scene
Came our rather well, I think

Finally getting back to work on the layout.  Done most of the plaster work around the bridges.  When the scenery is done, I will place the middle bridge and  run the track over it.

And the finished Valley

I added a castle in the corner by the bridge

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